MFA Launches 2019 Mom Talk Series with Event in San Antonio

MFA Mom Talks are 15 minute presentations covering a wide range of topics important to Moms… everything from parenting to public policy! Our mission with Mom Talks is to give women an opportunity to connect, to mentor and encourage one another, and even share their own story. The event is also live-streamed!

If you like TED Talks you’ll LOVE Mom Talks!

Mom Talks events attract exciting speakers, engaged audiences, and enthusiastic sponsors. Audiences are inspired in powerful ways through each of our events. This movement encourages Moms in their important role as mothers and inspires them are they raise the next generation of world changers.

The San Antonio event is set for March 23 at the Alamo City Church. The session is free and lunch will be provided. For more information on the event, please visit:

Through Mom Talks, Moms for America is promoting the principles of free government, inspiring moms, sharing America’s history and heritage, and shaping our culture one Mom Talk at a time.

We’ve partnered with American’s for Prosperity’s “Bridge to Well-Being” program to bring even more opportunities and support for busy moms, as we incorporate a variety of valuable workshops into each event!

Check out our past Mom Talks events on our Mom Talks YouTube Channel:

Founded in 2004, Moms for America is national, non-profit 501(c)(3) educational corporation rooted in the principles of liberty and virtue upon which our nation was founded. Our mission is to build a foundation of liberty in the homes of America, through the mothers of America, to raise a new generation of patriots, and heal our nation from the inside out.

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