Fight The New Drug


We aren’t your grandma’s afternoon talk show, nor are we a bunch of wanna-be-hip government workers trying to trick you into thinking porn is not cool. In fact, we are young people, just like you, who are passionate about making a difference in the world. We wake up every day empowered with a vision and filled with a desire to help people.

We know what it’s like, trust us. Pornography is a big deal in today’s world. Being young, we sometimes felt like we’ve been thrown into a world of chaos and it seems like no one really understands what we are going through, especially when it comes to sexuality and pornography.

When we first came across the harmful effects of pornography we were blown away! We had never heard of any of this stuff and neither had any of our friends. We began to see that this stuff is bad, and not just bad morally but bad scientifically! We became passionate about educating others about this, and especially teenagers. From there a movement was born called Fight the New Drug.

Our goal is to educate teens on the harmful effects of pornography and provide a free-of-cost recovery program for those who are struggling with addiction. We are a fun, creative, passionate, grassroots, youth-driven movement. Our cause is building rapidly and in a short amount of time, we have gained national attention from countless radio talk shows as well as television outlets such as ABC Nightline. We travel all across the United States, speaking in assemblies, making videos, throwing concerts, and spreading the message.

More information about Fight the New Drug

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