The Lighted Candle Society

In order to accomplish its mission, the Lighted Candle Society engages in various programs by which the moral and spiritual values that were an essential element in the creation and preservation of the American Republic are reaffirmed in the lives of the citizens of the United States and their families.

The society publishes and distributes a monthly newsletter. The newsletters are written to inform the reader of the individual and societal dangers that exist in the consumption of the obscene and pornographic materials that have become so prevalent in the American media, entertainment, and electronic cultures. The newsletters also contain information and current research regarding the ways in which individuals and families can become aware of positive and uplifting alternatives for education and entertainment to the debased and vulgar materials that dominate these media.

The Lighted Candle Society engages in research to provide educational programs to individuals and organizations regarding how to teach and inculcate into the character of children, youth, and adults the affirmative values of a moral society. These programs are prepared by highly skilled professional educators and religious leaders and are made available in various media formats for use in the home, the school, and the religious institution.

More information about the Light Candle Society

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