What’s one vote?  Does mine really matter?  What’s the big deal?  No one listens anyway- right?

By Debbie Kraulidis, Moms For America

Sound familiar?  These deflating thoughts creep in, settle in our spirits and discourage us.   Moms are battling so many fires on a daily basis that taking on the political landscape is just too much of a daunting feat.  Getting registered to vote seems like another task that moms don’t have time for.  We already pray, we teach, we nurture, and we are a bit tired.   Daily we fight against the culture as our families and our principles are attacked.  So, what do we do?  We picket, we shout at the TV, we argue on Facebook but unfortunately – we don’t vote.

Why don’t we use our voices at the ballot?   I know you have heard this message often – your vote matters.  Of course it does.  You know that.  But the voting process has been moved down the priority chain behind the many other issues that moms encounter every day.   Laundry, work and dinner are all waiting for us.

Ladies, we hear so much talk about “female empowerment.” Well, I want to talk about MOM EMPOWERMENT.  Our mom voices are so powerful because it’s all about our children.  Our vote is our conviction, our passion, our freedom and values.  Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is OUR dream for OUR children and grandchildren.  It’s all on the line for our families.  The warrior queen in all of us must rise.   We cannot be passive, we cannot be dormant, and we cannot be uncertain.  The battle cry is sounding.  MOM EMPOWERMENT is us, a robust force, imperative to rescue our country.  Let’s do this Moms!  Get registered, vote and be empowered!

For more information on Mom Vote visit – https://sg-sa.biz/mom-vote/elections101/


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