WHO WE ARE: Founded in Dayton, Ohio, in 2004, Moms for America is national, non-profit 501(c)(3) educational corporation rooted in the principles of liberty and virtue upon which our nation was founded, and focused on promoting these principles, values, and virtues in the home and family through the women and mothers of America. Moms for America is a national movement of mothers reclaiming our culture for truth, family, freedom and the Constitution; reviving the sense of community and spirit of sisterhood that once thrived among the women of America. We are many faces from many places combining our talents, experience, and resources to support and encourage each other in the most important work we’ll ever do—raising and nurturing the future of America.

OUR MISSION: Our Mission is to build a foundation of liberty in the homes of America, through the mothers of America, to raise a new generation of patriots, and heal our nation from the inside out.

VISION: Create a national movement of moms to restore the republic, promote the principles of liberty and reclaim our culture for truth, family, freedom and the U.S. Constitution.

OUR MOTTO: Adore God. Reverence and cherish your parents. Love your neighbor as yourself and country more than yourself. ~Thomas Jefferson


The Foundation of Moms for America is the Declaration of Mothers. Read & Download Here

We acknowledge the blessings of liberty can only be secured by a people who recognize their inherent rights have been endowed by their Creator, and not granted by men. Furthermore, these rights can only be upheld by a moral and virtuous people who cherish liberty above comfort and security.

We recognize the self-evident truths and inherent rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness outlined in the Declaration of Independence and secured through the Constitution, first among these being life!

We believe the privilege of living as a free people comes with the price of being a people of faith, virtue, and patriotism—the three pillars of a free society—and that these virtues are best developed and nurtured within the home. Therefore, Moms for America provides encouragement, support, and a variety of resources to families including literature, family enrichment, conferences, and other events and activities promoted through our website, social media and newsletter.

Quarterly Reports

Published four times a year, the Moms for America quarterly reports give a great update on all things related to our mission, great articles, and information on upcoming events. When you sign up for our Newsletter you can get these reports and updates right in your inbox. You can View our Quarterly Reports  here

Year in Review

2020 Year In Review       PDF Version

2019 Year In Review

2018 Year in Review



Cottage Meeting Project Proposal

What is The Cottage Meeting Project

H.R. 1 S 1 Proposal

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