Healing of America Summer Series 2021


Back by popular demand!  Moms for America is hosting another round of our Virtual Cottage Meeting Series HEALING OF AMERICA. You have two options to join live. Wednesdays at 11:00 AM Eastern or Thursday at 7:30 PM Mountain. We’ll be recording each session so you can watch them when it fits your own schedule.

Register for Wednesday   Register for Thursday   View Presentations   View Original Series


Healing of America Seminar 1 – God’s Hand in the Building of America
Purchase Workbook 1
Description: You’ll appreciate more than ever that the hand of God was clearly evident in the building of
this great land and will realize that the God of heaven did not establish the first free people in modern
times just to see them collapse into oblivion. Most important, you’ll understand that America can be
healed and that the Founders’ dream can be renewed and realized.

1. WEDNESDAY  June 2/  THURSDAY June 3 – Events and People Who Prepared the Way
2. WEDNESDAY June 9/ THURSDAY June 10 – Raised Up for the Very Purpose
3. WEDNESDAY  June 16/ THURSDAY June 17 – The War that Set Them Free
4.WEDNESDAY June 23/ THURSDAY  June 24 – The Perils of Freedom

Healing of America Seminar 2 – The Founder’s Charter of Freedom
Purchase Workbook 2
Description: Participants will see that every provision of the Constitution was based upon the Founders’
understanding of righteousness and timeless principles. It will become evident that the Constitution—as
written and as intended by its Founders—is as appropriate and relevant today as it was when first
implemented. The Constitution is a timeless document because it is based on human nature which does
not change. Correctly practiced, it produces a truly free people who can achieve that which all mankind is

1. WEDNESDAY June 30/ THURSDAY July 1 – Article 1: The Legislative Branch
2. WEDNESDAY July 7/ THURSDAY July 8 – Article 2 and 3: The Executive and Judiciary
3. WEDNESDAY  July 14/ THURSDAY July 15 – Articles 4 – 7 / The Bill of Rights: Amendments 1 – 10
4. WEDNESDAY July 21/ THURSDAY  July 22 – Amendments 11 – 27

Healing of America Seminar 3 — Attacks on the Charter of Freedom
Purchase Workbook 3
Description: The third Seminar is entitled the “Attacks on the Charter of Freedom.” While avoiding the
tendency to focus on negativity, this seminar will open your eyes to how far our country has been allowed
to drift from the Founders’ original principles. We will study the people, the organizations, and the groups
who have been using their time, resources, and talents to change the direction of America in order to
serve their own special interests. You will learn how the top 100 problems facing America today can be
traced back to our abandoning the provisions and original intent of our Constitution.

1. WEDNESDAY  August 4/ THURSDAY August 5 – Attack on the Founders’ Educational Dream
2. WEDNESDAY  August 11/ THURSDAY August 12 – Assault on the Moral Fiber of America
3. WEDNESDAY  August 18/ THURSDAY August 19 – Assault on the Charter of Freedom
4. WEDNESDAY  August 25/ THURSDAY August 26 – Attack on America’s Role in the World

Healing of America Seminar 3: Healing of America Seminar 4 — Restoring the Founders’ Dream

Purchase Workbook 4

Description: In Seminar 4, you will discover the simple but essential steps to healing America. We review
the four areas that need healing:
1. WEDNESDAY  September 2 – Restoring the Individual and the Family
2. WEDNESDAY  September 9 – Healing the Community and the State
3. WEDNESDAY  September 16 – Restoring the Constitution
4. WEDNESDAY  September 23 – Restoring International Relationships

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