
Candy CarsonIt is reassuring in this day and age that there’s an organization such as Moms for America, to maintain and encourage the principles of our founders: patriotism, civility, dedication to truth, valuing the individual…all principles from their inspiration – the Bible, from whence came our triumvirate system of government.
~ Candy Carson
Wife of Dr. Ben Carson

Charlie KirkWhat Turning Point USA is doing for America’s
campuses, Moms for America is doing for the mothers and homes of America. We can’t wait until college to reach America’s youth. We need to start at home!
~Charlie Kirk
Founder & President of Turning Point USA

Sam SorboMoms for America has launched a powerful movement to give voice to the silent majority of women, mothers. These are the women of true power who are raising the future and affecting the nation.
~ Sam Sorbo
Actor, producer, radio host

Jim JordanI would like to take this opportunity to commend all those involved with this extraordinary national organization as you set out to inform women throughout America on the issues that affect their lives.
~Jim Jordan
U.S. Congressman, Ohio

Brad DacusMFA stands up for millions of sacrificing Moms in our nation who deserve to have their voices heard.

~ Brad Dacus
Pacific Justice Institute

Foster FriessWhat you are doing, Kimberly, I can’t emphasize how important it is…God’s going to honor what your doing. I’m convinced.
~Foster Friess
Entrepreneur, Philanthropist

Orrin HatchI personally want to thank you for being an inspiration to men and women across the country. The conservative movement benefits from movements such as yours.
~Orrin Hatch
Former US Senator, Utah

Ken BlackwellTo Moms for America, let me thank you, not only for your mission but for your dedication, your courage and your tenacity. And thank you very much for deciding to be full participants on the front lines in America for making sure that America’s foundation is secure.
~Ken Blackwell
Senior Fellow, Family Research Council

Richard ViguerieKimberly, I applaud you and Moms for America for undertaking the critically important role of helping women be better informed about public policy issues. Those who are raising the next generation need to receive the truth about public policy issues which they won’t from the main stream media.
~Richard Viguerie
President, ConservativeHQ.com

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