Ladies First

Ladies First: What we don’t know can hurt us!

“Righteous women in their sphere of influence, beginning at the home, can turn the world around.”  –Alex de Tocqueville

I know most of you are just like me—women who are focused on our homes, our families, and often, a part-time or full-time job.  It is an incredibly demanding life that keeps us extremely occupied.  Even those of us who are stay-at-home moms don’t just stay home all day.  We are community volunteers, business owners, teachers, and full-time students.  We are intelligent, patriotic, and concerned citizens of this country, but let’s be honest, many of us are completely unaware of what goes on in Washington D.C. or even in our local communities. READ MORE

(This is an excerpted chapter from the book “WOMEN: America’s Last Best Hope” by Kimberly Fletcher)

Are we really making a difference?

Please allow us to validate what you already feel in your heart to be true.  As women, we are the keepers of the culture.  As mothers, we are builders of nations. But sometimes, the noise of the world and chaos of our day can make us wonder if we’re really making any difference in the world.

We’ve all been in that place where we find ourselves wallowing in our misery—wondering how we became a human taxi, how the laundry seems to mass produce, and why we even bother making dinner when everyone complains about the meal.  I’ve had several of those days.  You know the ones where seemingly everything you do appears to be a grand waste of time.  The days when you find permanent marker all over the wall you just finished painting the day before, or red Kool-Aid stains all over the carpet you just shampooed.

Let’s face it, there’s not a lot of glitz and glamour when it comes to motherhood.  They don’t award Grammy’s for singing lullabies.  There’s no Nobel Peace Prize awarded for settling yet another major dispute, and Martha Stewart doesn’t visit our home to highlight our decorating skills on the Home Improvement Network.  There is no other job on earth that expects so much and recognizes so little.  And yet, somehow, in our hearts, we just know what we’re doing is important. It is in fact, the most important thing we will ever do, and in those quiet moments of our day and sunset years of our lives, we also know it is the most rewarding thing we will ever do.

The greatest act of patriotism we can perform for our country will be within the walls of our own home as we teach and nurture a love of liberty and virtue in the hearts of our children. The future of America, of the world, is literally in our hands. So, for those challenging days, we’ve put a few things together to help you remember just how amazing you are! And when you’re cleaning that marker off the wall and Kool-Aid our of the carpet, just remember, you’re changing the world!


Mothers The Hope of America

Home is the center of society and at the center of the home is a mother. That mother is more powerful than any president for she is literally shaping the future. As former First Lady, Barbara Bush said, “Our success as a society depends not on what happens at the White House, but what happens inside YOUR house.” READ MORE


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