MFA Advisory Board

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Sam Sorbo

Sam Sorbo is known for her quick wit, fun personality, voracious work ethic, and a strong commitment to principle.

She is a radio host, actress, international model, activist, author, wife, mother, and homeschooling, advocate.

Sam is fluent in five languages and studied biomedical engineering before pursuing a modeling career.

She met her husband Kevin on the set of Hercules and they have been together ever since. Sam and Kevin have three children and continue, as a family, to inspire millions through their films.

Meredith Iler

Meredith Iler is President of The Strategic Alliance whose mission is to bring people together in business, government, politics, and charity. Meredith has been active in the pro-life and pro-family movement for over 35 years. Upon graduation from law school, her first case was to handle an appeal on behalf of pro-life activists arrested for blocking an abortion clinic... which she won. Meredith is a former Congressional spouse from the 1994 class when Newt Gingrich became Speaker of the House. At just 28 years old, she chaired the Swearing-In Gala for the 73 incoming freshman Members of Congress and coordinated media from around the world. She is still active in The Congressional Club and has served as the Entertainment Chair for the First Lady’s Luncheon since 2016.

In 2005, she started the Wounded Hero Home Program that builds homes for severely wounded warriors injured in Iraq and Afghanistan. It later became Helping a Hero and is one of the top organizations nationally having awarded over 100 homes in 22 states. She is the author of the upcoming book, Parenting Patriots. She and her husband Marshall have two children and live in Cypress, Texas.

Rose Tennent

Rose Tennent has been a prominent figure for twenty years as a syndicated conservative political talk show host in both radio and television. She is a frequent guest host for Sean Hannity’s Radio Show and has been a regular guest on FOX NEWS and currently host of Rose Unplugged, ( a syndicated talk show.

In 2017 Rose founded Meeting in the Middle a bipartisan effort to provide humanitarian aid and relief to victims of natural disasters. She is co-author of the children’s book, Wilson Won’t Be Bullied, which won an award in the 2013 Purple Dragonfly Book Awards contest.

Rose speaks nationally and frequently on topics of interest to women, and to a general audience, on culture, media, troop support and social issues of the day.

Rebecca Friedrichs, Author “Standing Up to Goliath”

Rebecca Friedrichs has been an elementary school educator in Southern California for 28 years. Since the first day of her
career in 1988, she’s been concerned about the policies and politics of the teachers’ union she’s forced to financially

In 2012 Rebecca started writing editorials to educate the public on the abuses occurring within teachers’ unions. From April 2013-June 2016 she was the lead plaintiff in a seminal federal lawsuit attempting to restore the First Amendment rights of free speech and free association to millions of public sector workers in the United States of America.

Rebecca is the author of “Standing Up to Goliath: Battling State and National Teachers' Unions for the Heart and Soul of Our Kids and Country.” Rebecca’s editorials have been published nationwide and she has appeared on CBS News, NBC, and several FOX News and FOX Business shows.

Rebecca is currently taking some time away from the classroom to support educational policies that are friendly to children and to help teachers, children, and parents to make their voices heard.

Dr. Rosemary Stein

Dr. Rosemary Stein is the author of “It’s a Mom Thing” and has been a practicing pediatrician for 23 years, serving as director of the International Family Clinic in Burlington, North Carolina for the past 16.

A highly-regarded expert in childhood development, she serves on the executive committee of the North Carolina Smart Start board, which sets policy on young child-related issues.

Dr. Stein travels the nation speaking to parents, especially young moms, about their vital role and has frequently been asked by Dr. Ben Carson to speak and panel at events for his Carson Scholars Foundation.

In her book, "Who Needs a Village? It’s a Mom Thing"Dr. Stein offers her expert advice on raising sturdy, success-bound children in today’s chaotic world.

Ellen Wheeler

Ellen Wheeler is an American actor, director, and producer. She has appeared in several soap operas and won two Emmys for her performances. In 1996, she has also starred in roles in various TV shows including Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Ellen has worked with FreedomWorks in Public Relations and was the content manager for the Glenn Beck program. Ellen is a powerful spokesman on many issues and is particularly active in parents’ rights issues and providing information on Common Core, federal education standards, and the rights and responsibilities of parents in the education of their children.

Mary Ann Mendoza

Mary Ann Mendoza is the Angel Mom of Brandon Mendoza. Brandon, a Sergeant with the Mesa, AZ police department, was killed on May 12, 2014, in a violent head-on collision on his way home from work. His life was stolen by a repeat illegal criminal who had driven over 35 miles in the wrong direction on four different freeways before slamming head-on into Brandon’s vehicle on a blind-curved transition ramp. Mary Ann later learned that this illegal alien was not only high on Methamphetamines but also had a blood-alcohol level greater than three times the legal limit.

The loss of her incredible son—a fun-loving, cherished family man and a police officer who went to extensive lengths to not only protect but also strengthen his community—drove Mary Ann to a platform she never previously envisioned. She’s now earned national recognition as a fierce defender of America’s security…fighting to hold politicians accountable in upholding immigration laws which place the welfare and safety of Americans first.

Because of her tenacity to remain on her feet after such great loss, Mary Ann has been called to the center or our nation’s immigration debate, speaking at numerous events such as National Press Conferences (including one held at the White House), Presidential rallies, nationally-televised Town Halls, and the 2016 Republican National Convention.

In 2017 her dedicated efforts were honored as she stood beside President Donald Trump when he signed Immigration Executive Orders at the Department of Homeland Security. She was also invited to be present as Secretary Kelly announced the opening of the VOICE (Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement) Office in Washington DC on April 26, 2017.

On March 20, 2018, Mary Ann Mendoza was invited to Round Table discussions at the White House regarding Sanctuary Policies and was invited back to the White House in June of that year to talk directly to President Trump on the Permanent Separation of American citizen’s children at the hands of illegal alien criminals living in our country.

With guest appearances on many national news outlets, Mary Ann has repeatedly stepped up and out—through the pain—to make her voice heard. She invites anyone who has been affected by Illegal Alien Crime to contact her at

The Angel Families organization allows victim’s families an opportunity to join efforts on educating the public on the magnitude of crimes that are committed against Americans on a daily basis. Their mission is to debunk the notion that mainstream media has led the American public into believing; that we are against immigrants. Mary Ann states, “We are NOT against legal immigrants, we are against ILLEGAL ALIENS committing crimes against Americans and being allowed to have less accountability for crimes they commit than American citizens.”

Michael C. Maibach

Michael C. Maibach is a seasoned professional in global business diplomacy and civic engagement. Today he is a Distinguished Fellow at Save Our States, giving talks across the country in defense of the Founders’ Electoral College. He serves on several non-profit Boards including the Witherspoon Institute and the James Wilson Institute, where he is Managing Director.
In 1983 he established the Intel Corporation's Government Affairs Department. He built a global team of 150 professionals and was named Intel’s first Vice President of Global Government Affairs. From 2003 - 2012 Mr. Maibach was the President & CEO of the European-American Business Council.
A believer in life-long education, Mr. Maibach has earned degrees from Northern Illinois University, California State University, American University, Georgetown University, Ashland University, and the Institute of World Politics where he now serves on the Board of Trustees.

While a college student Mr. Maibach was elected to the Dekalb County Board (Illinois), becoming the first person elected to public office under 21 years of age in US history. He is available to speak to civic groups and universities.

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