Join or Start a Local Mom Links Group

MomLinks are simply local gatherings of like-minded moms who want to encourage each other while learning and promoting truth and liberty. MomLinks create community connections that nurture liberty, empower moms, and strengthen families. We have four different formats to choose from: Cottage Meetings, Mom Reads, MomiU, and Family Lobby.

Mom Link Groups—4 Different Formats 1 Great Community!

Below is a short overview of each of our MomLinks formats. With a variety of tools and formats available, MomLinks resources can fit the needs of any group–even if that group is simply your own family.

Cottage Meeting Project

The Cottage Meeting Project is our signature program. Through inspiring stories, personal experiences, and relatable examples, Cottage Meeting presentations present the principles of liberty in a powerful, engaging way that resonates with moms and directly relates to your home and family. Simply by meeting once a month, at the end of one year, you will have more knowledge and understanding of liberty the Constitution than most of the lawyers, judges, and elected officials in America. MORE INFO


MomiU is especially designed for moms of young children in mind but moms at any stage of life can enjoy this fun, easy way to connect and discuss liberty-promoting principles in any venue. Whether it’s getting the kids together for a playgroup or coffee with the girls, this is “mommy time” you’ll totally enjoy! MORE INFO

Mom Reads

Many MomLink groups operate as a book club and discussion group that helps moms stay up-to-date with current hot topics and must read classics. Not sure where to start? We have compiled a “Patriots Reading List” with were high interest, easy to read books, which contain the ideas and principles that will promote liberty. These books have been laid out in groups of 12 so that, by just reading one book a month, at the end of year, you would have a firm understanding of the principles of liberty. MORE INFO

Family Lobby

The Family Lobby is a fun, family-friendly way to teach your children and/or grandchildren about civic responsibility and citizen-run government. Through the Family Lobby your children will learn about our system of government, connect with their elected officials in a positive way and have opportunities engage in civic responsibility. The first Wednesday in February each year we promote Family Lobby Day where you and your family can meet those elected to represent you. MORE INFO


We have many great resources to help provide content and support for your MomLink group no matter what kind of group you choose to host. Our MomLink Magazine is a quarterly publication with stories, activities, book highlights and encouragement. If you would like to receive the MomLink Magazine email us at to get the magazine right in your inbox! Visit our MOM LINKS RESOURCES page

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