Are you registered to vote? Are you sure?

Did you know if your address changes or you get married and change your name, you need to re-register?  Registering to vote is a simple process and we’ve made it even easier!  Just use the link below to enter your info to generate a pre-filled registration form that will be emailed to you.


The Portal can be used for new registrations as well as for updating current registrations. All you need to do is print the form,  sign and date it and then mail it to the Department of Elections in your state. You can also mail or hand carry the form to your local Board of Elections. A quick Google Search will give you the mailing address and/or location.

Register In Person

Your County Election Office is the fastest way to register. You can call their office and ask them mail you a voter registration form and then just mail it back. You can also go in person but Covid restrictions may limit that option. To get the location and contact info for your county office just do a google search. Make sure and include the state as well as county in your search as many states have counties with the same name.  For example by searching “Montgomery County Ohio Board of Elections” you will get the correct website with the info for that specific county in Ohio.

You can also register in person at the following locations near you…

  • The department of motor vehicles.
  • Armed services recruitment centers..
  • State and county public assistance offices (SNAP/food stamps, WIC, services for the disabled), where you may fill out and submit a National Mail Voter Registration Form.

State Voter Info

Each state has a website dedicated to voting which includes voter registration where you can register and even track your vote. Just use the following link to select your state


Salt and Light Council has done a fantastic job putting an outstanding kit together for churches called “Biblical Voter.”  The kit has everything you need to promote voting right in your own church. This is a fantastic way to promote voter registration and voting your values with the most needed group in the country–women of faith. Remember, if we aren’t registered to vote, we can’t vote. If we aren’t voting our values, someone else is voting theirs. To learn more about Biblical Voter click on the image below.

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