MomWatch-Equal Rights Amendment

Moms For America® is strongly against the Equal Rights Amendment. Though many claim that women’s rights are not covered in the Constitution as it is written, we claim that it is.

1) It is the Declaration of Independence, not the Constitution, that states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal,” (emphasis added). The word “men,” as used in the context of 18th century definition was to mean “humanity,” which included all women.

2) In the Preamble of the United States Constitution it starts out “We, the People of the United States.” As women, “we,” are active participating citizens and feel currently that we are already included in being protected under the Supreme law of this land. The US Supreme Court has applied the 14th Amendment to include all women’s issues (United States v Virginia 518 U.S.515 (1996))

3) The ERA would overturn current laws that protect and benefit women, including but not limited to state labor laws, social security benefits for stay-at-home mothers based on their spouse’s income, would take away the choice of women who didn’t want to enlist in the military and be part of front-line combat, and it would place economic hardship on women who’d be forced to take on estranged spouse’s debt and may result in no child support.

4) The ERA would have a detrimental impact on natural women and girls’ privacy and safety in bathrooms, locker rooms, shelters, jails, and hospital rooms.

5) The ERA supporters are intending to overturn all restrictions to abortion and expand the definition to include full term abortions.

It is based on these concerns that we invite you to support all-natural women and girls rights by standing against the Equal Rights Amendment with us.

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