
Parents (or legal guardians) are the first and final constitutional authority in determining the health, welfare, and education of their children. Parents are entitled to, and must receive, full disclosure, and give written permission, before any healthcare services, outside referrals, content, or materials are distributed to their children, including, but not limited to, advertisement of vaccines. Moms for America support the fundamental, natural, and inalienable right of a parent and/or family to seek out and pursue the healthcare services of their choosing, with full informed consent, and without government interference or penalty. No person shall be forced to undergo any healthcare services as a condition of school enrollment, school attendance, seeking and maintaining public or private employment, or participation in any sponsored program.



Author Heather Fraser took a deep dive into the peanut allergy epidemic in her book The Peanut Allergy Epidemic; What’s Causing It And How to Stop It,  after watching her one year old son react in a violent manner to anaphylaxis after one lick of peanut butter.   The excerpt, taken from her website, below gives you an idea of what has taken place in the United States and other countries over the last several decades concerning the correlation between allergies and injections.

“There are two lines of thought in the medical literature regarding injection as a mechanism of sensitization. The first is that injection, in the form of vaccination or other injections such as the neonatal vitamin K1 prophylaxis, merely unmasks genetic predispositions or tendencies to allergic disease. In short, there is something wrong with the child and not the injection(s).

The second line of thought is that there is a causal relationship between the injected ingredients and allergy — and although the proven allergenicity of vaccines is widely acknowledged, medical literature carefully avoids the question of what kinds of allergies vaccines can and do create to substances that are coincidentally or subsequently inhaled, ingested or injected. One exception to this unwritten rule was an unusual admission by Japanese doctors that an outbreak of gelatin allergy in children starting in 1988 and continuing through the 1990s was caused by pediatric vaccination. In that year, changes to the vaccination schedule in Japan meant that the DTP was replaced by an acellular version containing gelatin, the age at which it was administered to children was dropped from two years to three months, and this new vaccine was given before the live virus MMR vaccine that also contained gelatin. When children began reacting with anaphylaxis to the MMR vaccine as well as gelatin-containing foods (yogurt, Jell-O, etc.), doctors investigated. Finally, they concluded that the aluminum adjuvant in the DTaP had helped sensitize children to the “minute amounts” of proteins in the refined gelatin in the vaccine. Removal of gelatin from the DTaP vaccines was “an ultimate solution for vaccine-related gelatin allergy.” Subsequently, new cases of gelatin allergy in Japanese children dropped.

Quantities and qualities of adjuvant and other vaccine ingredients injected into children changed dramatically between 1989 and 1994 in ‘mature markets’ for vaccines including the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia. During those years, at least five new vaccine formulations for the same bacterium, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) were introduced within an expanded and intense vaccination schedule. Like the gelatin allergy that emerged from a changed schedule of pediatric injections, was there some mix of ingredients that included powerful aluminum additives in the new Western schedule that was sensitizing children to peanut and other substances in and around the child? 

As ingredients changed, the number of shots increased for kids in their first eighteen months of life from ten to as many as twenty-nine. The increase meant inconvenience to parents who would have to make more trips to the doctor and discomfort to the children who would have to experience multiple injections. To overcome these obstacles to compliance with the new schedule, the vaccines for diphtheria, pertussis, and tetanus (DPT); polio (OPV); and H. influenzae b (Hib) were administered to children in a single visit with two injections and an oral polio dose starting around 1988. By 1994 starting in Canada, these five were rolled into a single needle. Few parents realize that by design immunization provokes both the desired immune response and allergy at the same time. These natural defenses are inseparable and the more potent the vaccine, the more powerful the two responses. This is an outcome of vaccination the medical community has understood at least since Charles Richet won the Nobel Prize (1913) for his research on anaphylaxis. Anaphylaxis, Richet observed, is one of three outcomes of vaccination.

Dr. Anthony Phan On Vaccines – Doctor Tearfully Apologizes To Parents


Dr. Phan shares his story of escaping Vietnam as an 8 year old, his journey to America, and knowing at 12 years old wanting to be a doctor.  His life turned when he started questioning the flu shot and he read an article about the flawed data coming from the CDC.  He disassociated himself from all studies from the CDC and started looking at the integrated medicine side and concluded that he needed to stop recommending vaccinations to his patients.   Dr. Phan feels that as a Doctor he needs to uphold his Hippocratic Oath: to do no harm, and to keep the 2nd rule: not to violate his patients’ privacy!  Click on the link above to watch the video of Dr. Phan share his story!


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