MomWatch Critical Race Theory

Critical Race Theory isn’t new. It has been craftily injected into our societal thought behind closed doors for decades. It has held many labels from “Diversity Training” and “Black Studies,” to “Reconstructing Curriculum”, but the objective has always been the same–divide the American people, because you can’t enslave a people who are united.  When Black Lives Matter first came on the scene it looked like we would finally be able to have genuine, thoughtful conversations about real issues and introduce real solutions. Unfortunately, Black Lives Matter, along with ANTIFA, had no interest in solving problems. They are an openly, self-proclaimed, Marxist organization on a mission to divide families, shred the Constitution and destroy our Republic.

In 2016, MFA Founder and President, Kimberly Fletcher, attended a Teacher’s Training titled “Reconstructing Curriculum.” It is a program sponsored by Minnesota Humanities which receives funding from Susie Buffett–Warren Buffett’s daughter. Kimberly attended with the intent of understanding the ideas and concerns of the Black Lives Matter Movement in hopes of reaching solutions. What she discovered however, was an entire agenda-driven curriculum that disparages western civilization, the American Dream, family values and actually promotes racism. The instructor was a professor of Black Studies at the University of Nebraska Omaha. He “trained” the room full of teachers how to teach their students to recognize they are either racist or victims of racism. In shock Kimberly turned on her phone and captured the audio of the presentation.  You can listen to the audio at the links below. The woman who signed Kimberly in for the class said told her in an email, “the purpose of this cohort is to help educators understand the hidden (and not so hidden) racism and stereotypes we have with regard to others.”  Kimberly obtained a copy of the classroom curriculum which can be viewed and downloaded below as well.

Reconstructing Curriculum

Audio Segment 1 “Deconstruct That” 

Audio Segment 2 “Eraser”

Audio Segment 3 “Free College”

Audio Segment 4 “N Word”

Audio Segment 5 “Privilege”

Audio Segment 6 “Pull Plug”

What Moms Need to Know about Critical Race Theory

As you can tell from the audio conversations with Professor O, Critical Race Theory is much more than just just promoting racism in the classroom. It includes indoctrination on LGBT Agendas, Gender Confusion, and Comprehensive Sex Education promoting pornographic and sexual content to children as young as Kindergarten.

For more information on the proposed curriculums, we recommend the following links and resources.

BLM wants to get into schools, here is what they plan to teach

Heritage Foundation: Critical Race Theory

Combatting Critical Race Theory

Ben Carson: Equality not Equity


Critical Race Theory Criticizes Civil Rights Movement (highly recommended)

Who Gets Reparations and Who Doesn’t

What’s wrong with critical race theory

Black father addresses critical race theory with his daughter

Black Woman: This is why I hate Critical Race Theory

Part 1 (1260) This Is Why I HATE Critical Race Theory – YouTube

Part 2 (1260) This Is Why I HATE Critical Race Theory, Part II – YouTube

 Black mom says critical race theory Divides the Church


The Role of the Teachers’ Unions

We have received a plethora of emails from parents and teachers telling us of their experiences. Some teachers openly promote this racist curriculum. Most, however, are adamantly opposed to it, but bullied into silence for fear of losing their job. It is Teachers’ Unions who are behind it all. Rebecca Friedrich’s wrote a great book Standing Up to Goliath exposing the Teachers’ Unions and sharing the experiences of many of the teachers who were told to teach not only racism, but also pornographic sexual content under the guise of “curriculum. We highly recommend parent’s read this book so you know what your children are being exposed to in government, and even some private schools. Thanks to Rebecca and her case she took to the Supreme Court, teachers are no longer required to join a union. However, if teachers want the benefits they receive in legal protection, insurance and other support, there are alternatives.

Association of American Educators

The Association of American Educators (AAE) is a national professional association open to all teachers, education staff, and administrators. Membership is $16.50/month and open in all fifty states. Professional membership includes a $2,000,000 liability insurance policy, as well as protection against lawsuits, employment rights coverage, professional resources, newsletters, advocacy surveys, discounts, and more.

Learn more about AAE

Christian Educators Association International

Christian Educators Association International (CEAI) is a national professional association serving Christian educators since 1953. Professional membership ($22.41/month) includes a $2,000,000 liability insurance policy, as well as employment rights coverage, professional resources, and more. CEAI specializes in empowering and defending Christian educators.

Learn more about CEAI

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