Resources MomLinks

Resources to Support Your Group

Additional resources specific to each MomLink group are listed under their individual sections.

American Heritage Center

The American Heritage Center is an online resource library providing families easy access to a wealth of resources to help you create and nurture a foundation of liberty in your home and establish a quality family life. Searchable by topic, the American Heritage Center is a great resource to strengthen home and family by providing information about America’s History, heritage, and the U.S. Constitution.

Hearthstone Education Plan
Hearthstone Education Plan is a home education resource for parents to guide their children through a K-12 education program. It is designed to educate the heart, not only in the principles of reading, writing, and arithmetic but also in the principles of liberty. Hearthstone follows the proven heart-based, student-centered, parent guided education model that fosters a love of learning and prepares our children for success in all aspects of their lives.

Mom Talks
MomTalks is an online video resource of powerful 15 minute videos on topics relevant to moms covering everything from parenting to public policy. If you like TED Talks, you’ll LOVE Mom Talks! Visit our MomTalks YouTube channel to view the videos. We upload the videos following our live events so check back often to keep up on all the new videos being added.

Culture Smart Moms
This website was created by Moms for America (formerly HomeMakers for America) to inform moms on cultural issues effecting our families—especially our children. Knowledge is power and when we know what our children are exposed to, we are empowered to be Culture Smart Moms. We will be overhauling the site throughout 2019 to update the branding and resources and provide even more up to date, relevant content to inform and empower you!

Other Resources

Here are some great resources to help nurture a love of liberty in your home and enhance your incredible motherhood journey. While these fun, encouraging and inspiring educational resources are not provided by Moms for America we do highly recommend them and even use them ourselves.

Loving Liberty Radio Network
Loving Liberty Radio network is a national media platform that promotes and shares the bedrock principles of private property, free markets, individual liberty and religious freedom. Join their hosts each day, all day, for the news of the day, insights, discussion and two-way talk.

National Center for Constitutional Studies
Famous for distributing over 15 million pocket constitutions, the National Center for Constitutional Studies (NCCS) is a wealth of resources for learning and teaching the constitution. They are the publishers of the very famous 5000 Year Leap which is available in our Online Bookstore. We highly recommend this book for its clear, simplicity in explaining the core 28 principles of liberty our nation was founded on.

Hillsdale Online Courses
We can’t say enough how much we like these free online courses offered by Hillsdale College. What started with Constitution 101 has turned into an entire library of courses in public policy, western heritage, US Constitution, Economics, Classic Literature and so much more. We reference these videos often in our Cottage Meeting presentations. Take the courses on your time and on Hillsdale dime. GREAT program!

Libraries of Hope
This is a fantastic resource we use and share time and again. Libraries of Hope is dedicated to building a community of families who learn to restore the lost arts of educating hearts, while preserving a culture of faith, freedom, family and a love of the good, the true and the beautiful. They have a free online library full of stories written in the golden age of literature when authors wrote to inspire virtue, faith, and patriotism in the hearts of children. They have also reprinted several of these stories into volumes which can purchased through their website.

Mothers of Influence
Mothers of Influence provides resources to help women gather together in small groups to learn the art of cultivating hearts. MOI is unique for its intentional focus on art, music, poetry & stories as “languages” of the heart. It’s a small and simple effort to cultivate mothers’ hearts to help them increase their capacity for inspired growth, and participate in a divine encircling reach to help others do the same.

Mother’s University
A wonderful resource offered through Libraries of Hope to help moms gain a classical education right in their own homes. It is journey of a lifetime in which learning and understanding unfold layer upon layer and deepen over time. This introductory course is designed to help you start a daily habit of feeding your heart.

Prager University
Prager University is not an actual university but a school of thought. They take the best ideas from the best minds and distill them into short 10 minute videos promoting the ideas that have made America and the West the source of so much liberty and wealth. Prager’s mission is to promote what is true, what is good, what is excellent, and what is noble through digital media.

Moms Like Us!
Do you ever wonder if true balance is even possible? True balance doesn’t produce a perfect life. But if you have it, you will feel like you’re living one. Mona Corwin, author of “Unstoppable” is here to help with “been there done that” solutions and Biblical foundations that bring you the confidence and clarity to create your own story that nourishes everyone in it…including you! A fantastic resource for moms at any stage of life!

Establish a Home
Young mom, Shannon Hossfield, shares her ups and downs in her journey to establish a home of peace in a world of chaos. From her shopping trip to home organization these videos will have you laughing and relating while providing just the dose of encouragement you need to keep going. Shannon posts a new family-focused video every Thursday.

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