Start a Group

How to Start a MomLink Group

Quite simply, a MomLink group is an opportunity to bring your friends and neighbors together in your home to share the light of liberty with them as you learn and grow together.

The beauty of Mom Links is that it fits into what you are already doing. Whether you are single, married, young or old, have small children, teens or you’ve entered the wonderful grandmother stage of life, you can do this. We have provided the basic structure, guidance and resources, but how you do it is completely up to you.

While we provide some general guidance and suggestions, the manner in which you run your Mom Link group is completely up to you. There is not just one way that is the “right way”. No one will know your group better than you do and you will have the best insight into the things that will inspire you and your group. For that reason, we provide various stories, quotes, articles, etc. that you can read and choose from. Whatever inspires you, or that you feel inspired to share is what you should use because when something inspires you, it will naturally be evident when you present it to the group and they will be inspired as well.

Starting & Communicating with Your Mom Link Group

Step One: Sign up!
If there is not a local Mom Link group in your area, we encourage you to gather some Moms together and start your own! For anyone interested in starting up a local Mom Link, simply email the state liaison(s) for your state and tell them of your interest. They will communicate with you, and offer tips and advice on how to organize a successful group. Each Mom Link group leader will communicate to the State Liaison when in need of specific guidance or when desiring to coordinate a community-wide event. If there is not a State Liaison listed for your state, our membership director will assist you and you will report and/or communicate directly with her.

Step Two: Organize!
The beauty of Mom Links groups is that they can begin simply—with you and your circle of friends. Group leaders may consider starting a Facebook group or other internet tool for group communication and to advertise events. It is a convenient way to send meeting reminders, share information and communicate with each other. If you would prefer, you can designate your group as “private” so only those in your group can participate.

When determining the day and time of your first meeting, just do your best to consider the circumstance of those you are inviting and choose the time you think will be most convenient to everyone. Those who can come, will come and then you can all decide as a group the best day and time to meet in the future. Having a scheduled date everyone can count on will help keep the attendance and participation consistent but you will also need to be flexible.

It is our goal to do everything we can to make your experience as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. You are not just hosting meetings, you are the leader of your group and as such, the designated point of contact for Moms for America. This gives you direct access to our support team to help make your experience as smooth and enjoyable as possible. But it also puts you in a unique position. Through your experience with your group, you will be able to provide valuable feedback and share ideas that can be of great benefit to our efforts as a whole. If you see a concern, have a suggestion, or are having a particular success or struggle you would like to share with us, please do. We are all learning and growing together and we are always looking for ways to make the Mom Link experience even better.

Is there a cost to start up a Mom Link group?

No, there is no cost to start up a Mom Link group! Once you decide what format your group will follow, there might be a small associated cost for the particular program. For example, the Cottage Meeting Project has a resource guide that must be purchased, and a Hostess Kit that is recommended.

How much time is involved?

How much time involved is really up to you as the Mom Link leader and those who participate. Every group will be unique. Some groups meet Saturday morning, some on a weekday morning or afternoon and some in the evening. It will all depend on the schedules and situations of the members in your group. Meetings should be kept to about 1 to 1 ½ hours but if you are showing a film as part of your meeting, you can go to 2 to 2 1/2 hours as long as your guests are notified and can prepare accordingly. MomiU groups and Family Lobby groups will probably meet longer because of the way they are designed. Two to four hours is probably a good average for these types of groups.

How often you meet is also up to you and your group. Some groups meet weekly, some monthly, some twice a month. Most of all, enjoy the experience. You will make many friendships and build a foundation of freedom that will linger in your heart and home and bless this nation for years to come.

Are there specific guidelines to follow?

When hosting a Moms for America Mom Link group, you are free to follow any format/organization/meeting schedule that fits the needs of your group.


  • These local groups are not official chapters nor directly affiliated with MFA
  • Local groups and their leaders are not authorized to speak on behalf of the organization in media or in print
  • Local groups and their leaders are not authorized to utilize our logo for advertising purposes without authorization from Moms for America national leadership team.
  • Moms for America is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Mom Link meetings (including the Cottage Meeting Project) are for educational purposes only. Mom Links cannot be used for political campaigns or the endorsement of political parties or candidates. You can, however, hold educational forums such as town halls with elected representatives and “meet the candidate” events. When holding candidate town halls, all candidates for the specific position need to be invited even if they choose not to attend. They don’t have to be present for you to hold the meeting, they just all need to be invited.

If hosting a Cottage Meeting project, we require that you only use approved resources and materials designated by the board and staff of Moms for America. This not only protects the integrity of the project, it also saves the hostess a great deal of research time.

If you have any questions you can contact your State Liaison or if your state doesn’t currently have one, you can contact our Membership Director, Brianna Pradia at

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