
We Moms who find this message appealing come from another mindset. Not left. Not right. Rather from the wisdom and strength of common sense.  –Sandra, MI

Your group was one of THE FIRST to voice the outrage to the condition in our nation to say ‘enough is enough.’—Jeanine, Ohio

These ladies have given a voice to us moms who can no longer sit by and watch the future of our children be shaped by culture! Thank you, MomsForAmerica!-
Leslie R.

I’m so excited for our future because of people like you women and others who value our freedom and our God. Thank you seems inadequate.
Jane, Ohio

My name is Erin. I cannot tell you how joyful I am that you exist. I am in tears of joy right now.
Erin, Florida

These are my people. And I am not even a conservative.
– Jen K, Atlanta, GA


General Comments
Your group was one of THE FIRST to voice the outrage to the condition in our nation to say ‘enough is enough.’ My prayer is our Lord to ‘grow your influence’ to begin local state chapters to continue being a LOUD voice in America. Go girls!!!! —Jeanine, Ohio

These ladies have given a voice to us moms who can no longer sit by and watch the future of our children be shaped by culture! We women of faith and values will unite and birth a fresh hope for our nation! Thank you, MomsForAmerica!-
Leslie R.

I read “Raising a New Generation of Patriots” and loved it! I think every mother in America should read that book.

Just want to be put on the email list. That’s a first for me!
Laurie B.

Thank you for standing up for America. It’s about time that we get the same rights and privileges that we seem to be losing to the left because no one is standing up for the rights that we all have.
Kathleen K.

Count me involved. I love what your doing!!!
Tamera C.

Mom’s March for America was an answer to prayer! It’s amazing to come together with other moms that share a vision of improving our country for the next generation!” —Cecelia, Tennessee

“I believe and feel that Mothers need MFA more now than ever before. Thank for all you do!” —Sarah, New York

“Please forgive me if I get a bit emotional over the quality of your work. I hunger for any good news to the point that when I saw and read your newsletter, I felt more hope! Thank you, for your dedication and efforts on behalf of preserving our amazing nation and heritage!” —Nancy, Ohio

“I cannot tell you how joyful I am that you exist. I am in tears of joy right now.”—Erin, Pennsylvania

“I loved your voice!! I am recommending joining this movement to all the moms I know who love God, each other, and our Country!!“ — Jennifer, Virginia

“Saw your interview! God Bless the work you do on behalf of ALL US CONSERVATIVE WOMEN!” — Bobbi, Missouri

“Thank you Moms for America for organizing efforts for those of us that care about the directions of our country. You are awesome. — Kathleen, California

“Thank you for being our voice…” — Sue, Oregon

“Thank you for maintaining the dignity of women“ — Cheryl, Michigan

“There are more of us that stand with you, I do believe we are the silent majority, but silent no more!“ — Brenda, North Carolina

MomTalks Testimonials
“I found out about your MomTalks event Thursday afternoon. I knew I had to be there! I brought my pastor’s wife with me. Such an amazing event! We shed many tears. We shared our experience the next morning at church service. I have not stopped sharing nor will I! I am and will continue to tell people of this amazing group! Keep up the great work!”
Laura P. (MomTalks Buffalo attendee)

“The variety of speakers, touching on major social issues, was outstanding! Kudos to all involved! An outstanding event! If you could not attend, it is taped, a MUST see! Congratulations!
Tricia D, Mom of precious down syndrome son

“This was such a great event! The speakers were phenomenal, dropping truth bombs the entire time! I am inspired!”
Christina S, Physical Therapist

Testimonials Kavanaugh Confirmation

Thank you for bringing out the best in women during the Kavanaugh hearings. —Lourdes, California

I am a white male. Thank you for defending men last night [on Fox].
McRee S, Texas

THANK YOU for speaking up! PLEASE keep up the good work.
Laura S.

Thank you for your efforts in this most important movement!
Linda C, Massachusetts

Mrs Fletcher. I just watched your interview on Fox. Thank you for speaking truthfully about the irreparable damage this political game is doing to women AND men. As a therapist I have seen both sides of victim/perpetrator and know firsthand the damage done to women and men alike. I applaud your voice and want you to know you’ve been heard. Thank you again Bonnie S.

I believe I just saw you on FOX News. It is so wonderful to see such common sense and such clear thinking about these painful issues.

Love your line “Momma Bear’s been poked” Keep up the good fight Kimberly!
Cindy R.

You were such a breath of fresh air on Martha MacCallum. Thank you for standing up for men. My wife and I think the world of you. God bless. Mike M.

Kimberly, myself and all my friends, WE LOVE MEN TOO! We have been waiting for someone like you to come along. Diane T.

‎Just heard you interview with Martha on Fox and you hit it out of the ballpark. As a wife and mom of a young adult son and a violent sexual assault survivor I absolutely agree with the concept of reshaping the dialogue and raining in the rhetoric being used to demoralize real assault victims as well as condemning all men because of their gender. Using these tactics is doing exactly to men what woman have been trying to overcome for years. I am in total support of this movement and will be joining the effort! Keep pressing on!! Lisa K.

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