Mom Talks


We’d like to offer you a unique opportunity to increase your visibility with the nation’s biggest influencers, purchasers, and most highly coveted consumer base in America—Moms!

Reach millions of moms across America as a sponsor of MomTalks!

Did You Know…

  • 91% of consumers are likely to switch brands to one associated with a good cause, when given comparable price and quality*
  • 61% of consumers are willing to try a new brand, or one they’ve never heard of, because of its association with a particular cause*
  • 50% of consumers said they would be willing to reward companies that give back to society by paying more for their goods and services (44% in the U.S. and 38% in Canada).

Purple Diamond Exclusive Mom Talks 2019 Sponsor $100,000

There is only ONE Purple Diamond Sponsorship available each year! (Secure by June 30, 2019 and receive this exclusive sponsor page through December 31, 2020)

Purple Diamond Sponsors receive an entire year of maximum exposure with branding on all promotional materials including mom’s gift bags at each event, Full page ad in annual program guide, logo on front page of program guide, 2 minute video message and digital banner on stage at all events, logo and promo spot on our Social Media platforms and Mom Talks YouTube Channel. Plus all benefits of Champion of Moms Sponsor level.

Event Sponsor (Brand Sponsor for an individual Mom Talk event) $10,000

Maximum exposure at the Mom Talk event of your choice with branding on all promotional materials as well as radio and social media ads for that specific event. Banner on main stage at the event and special recognition from stage. Plus all benefits of Champion of Moms Sponsor level.

Champion of Moms $5,000

2 Annual passes to attend all Mom Talk events in your sponsorship year, 2 tickets to VIP experiences at each event you attend, opportunity to have display/vendor table at each event, banner at each event. Premium listing on Mom Talks webpage and annual event program. 1/2 page ad in annual event program. Logo posted on all MomTalk videos posted in your sponsor year. Opportunity to have promotional materials in Mom Gift bags.

Friend of Moms $2,500

4 Tickets to 2 events of your choice in sponsor year plus 4 tickets for VIP experiences at those events. Opportunity to have display/vendor table at 2 Events of your choice. Signage at all events in your sponsor year. Listed on Mom Talks webpage and annual event program. Opportunity to have promotional materials in Mom Gift bags.

Associate Sponsor $1,000

2 Tickets to 1 event of your choice in sponsor year plus 2 tickets for VIP experiences for that event. Opportunity to have display/vendor table at 1 Event of your choice. Recognition at all events in your sponsorship year. Listed on Mom Talks webpage and annual event program. Opportunity to have promotional materials in Mom Gift bags.

Supporting Sponsor $500

Listed on Mom Talks webpage and annual event program. Recognition at all events in your sponsorship year. Opportunity to have promotional materials in Mom Gift bags.

Contributor $100 

Listed on Mom Talks webpage and annual event program

Thank you for supporting moms through your sponsorship of Mom Talks! Mom Talks is a project of Moms for America which is a 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation. We greatly appreciate your support and looking forward to working with you.

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